This morning I mixed up some new cans of food when I arrived. I was a little surprised that miss Stormy hadn't come out to see me! I put their food in their room, then started to look for Sadi. She wasn't under the bed today, so I guess she was out on the patio with Stormy. I opened the door and Stormy was right there, waiting for me to open it! I picked her up and gave her a dose of her medication quick. Then, I went back to the patio to get Sadi. She was sleeping in her little kitty tunnel out there. There was all kinds of spiderwebs at the entrance to the tunnel, which she got all over herself when she came out. Oops! I wiped them off her, then we headed inside. She took her meds like a champ, as usual. Such a good little kitty. Her eye looks about the same to me today. Still just a little bit of cloudiness. I set her by the food, then checked the litter box quick. I changed it out today, and Stormy went to use it right away. Miss Sadi had wandered to her spot already, and gave me a couple meows when I walked by her. "Hey, I'm right here!" I came back, of course, and sat with her to pamper her a bit. Stormy went back and forth to go nibble a bit or to lay by her window. Sadi went in to go eat just before I left.