Saturday, June 18, 2016

Noell & Navi

This morning I came in and Noell was in the dining room. I pet her hello. I heard Navi coming in from the patio. The girls followed along as I got their breakfast ready. Noell helped me get their litter box situated. I put her in right away and she did her business. The roomba was busy zooming around, and Navi was following it. Haha. I picked her up and put her in the box too. The girls kept a close eye on the vacuum today. Later on, we got the laser light out and the girls had some zooms around the living room too.

Sophie & Roxy

This morning I stopped by quick to let the ladies outside. They were happy to see me. Sophie took a little coaxing to come outside. She likes staying in the cool house! Haha. They spent the morning out back. We had some dark cloud cover earlier today, so that kept the temps lower than they predicted. It still got hot though, and with the humidity, the heat index was still over 100 later on. I came by around lunch to let the girls inside. We got their dinner ready and Sophie took her last pill. The girls ate, then curled up in their spots to relax and take naps. Later this evening I came back to let the girls back outside. Some rain and clouds were heading in, which helped bring the temps back down to a more comfortable level. I decided to let them stay out for the evening. They have been such good girls!