This morning Stormy met me in the kitchen and was rubbing up against the cupboards. She would walk into the dining room to rub against some chairs, then would come back in the kitchen. She tagged along as I took their breakfast to their room. Miss Sadi was in the litter box when I walked in. I thought maybe she was going potty... but then I realized she was just sitting in there! Haha. I took the cover off to lift her out and she just meowed at me. She got her meds, then we headed to the living room for her pamper time. She and Stormy both sat with me the whole time. Stormy had a blast playing with her string again today! This evening Sadi was snuggled up and sleeping in her little bed. I woke her up for her evening meds and got her all cleaned up.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Rusty, Ruby & the kitties
This morning Ruby ran outside to greet me at the gate. She ran in again with me to go wake up Rusty. He was lounging in his recliner. We headed out and Rusty was quick to bring me his ball. We played a long game of fetch since it was nice and cool out this morning. Ruby even stayed out the whole time with us, checking things out in the yard. Lance came out and wandered around a bit as well. Later, I went in to go feed the cats and turtles. Salem was sitting on the bed again when I walked in. This afternoon, I let Ruby out and she bounced her way to the back door. We headed out right away. Rusty laid in the grass a little, then had me tossing his red ball for him. Eventually, he was getting tired, so we went in. I made sure they had plenty of water. He retired to his recliner, while Ruby and Lance visited me on the couch. The pups decided they had to go outside and bark for awhile. Looked like the neighbor was out working on her yard. This evening the pups met me outside. They came in and both worked on their dinners. I fed everyone out in the pasture as well. Rusty and I played another game until he got tired. Lance made me laugh tonight, as he kept wandering out in the pasture and rolling in the grass. It seemed like he wanted them to play! They certainly were intrigued and kept following him curiously. Miss Ruby didn't feel like going in her bed for me when it was time. She kept running outside. I had to go out and catch her, then walked her inside. Stinker! Haha.