Moody came running when I walked in. He started his cute meowing right away. I said hi to him, then got dinner for the pups. Sugar nearly plowed me over trying to get inside when I opened the door! I guess she doesn't like rain and storms too much. Poor girlie. All the other pups came over to say hi as well. I filled each of their dishes and they all got to work. Luckily, the patio gave them just enough cover to keep them dry as they ate. Later I went in to make sure Moody had enough of everything as well. He helped me get some more water for the pups too. I couldn't find his water dish, so I filled a sink for him. He got a drink from that as I pet him.
Monday, May 12, 2014
Rusty, Ruby & the kitties
Ruby was first to greet me today. I had her and Rusty come outside for a potty break. Ruby did her business, then high - tailed it back inside, since it was raining. I was surprised to see Lance outside with us. He was having a good time just roaming around. Rusty brought his ball for a few throws, but then he got busy exploring and wouldn't bring it back again. I went inside to see Ruby some more. She snuggled up with me and enjoyed some belly rubs. Lance wandered back in and came to sit with me too. He was a lovey boy today! He was snuggling with Ruby and giving her kisses. So cute!
Sadi & Stormy
This morning I could hear Stormy jingling around in the living room, while I got their breakfast. Sadi was already up and busy getting a drink. I changed out their food and she decided to eat right away. I let her snack, so I cleaned up their box and changed out their other dishes. She got her medicine this morning, then we headed to the living room. She sat and got her brushing, while Stormy sat nearby for her chin scratches. Stormy eventually wandered off and was sitting under a little kid's chair in the corner. Silly girl! This evening Stormy hopped down from her chair in the dining room to visit. Sadi was sitting by the food and water again tonight. I had her take a break to get her medicines for the evening. I set her back in their and cleaned their box quick.