This afternoon the boys met me at the door with wagging tails. I picked out a treat for each of them, then we headed outside. Clyde finished his quickly, but Taz savored his a bit. It was nice and cool outside this afternoon. The boys lounged around and enjoyed it! They would occasionally hop up and race along the fence when they heard something. This evening the boys were excited to go for their walk! We took off right after their dinner and went for our stroll. It was the perfect weather for it! After we got home, they went for a potty break quick. I wiped their paws before they came in.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Bella, Louie & Chico
It was raining lightly this morning when I came to visit the pups. I let them out of their beds, but Chico decided to hang out in his a little longer. Silly boy! Everyone went out to go potty, but we spent most of our time inside this morning. Louie seemed like he was looking for trouble! He kept trying to sneak bites from the other food bowls. Bella stayed out to work on her food, then I tried to barricade Chico's bowl off better with the chairs. Louie still found a way in, then knocked over the food bowl. Little booger! Haha! I cleaned that up, then Louie came over to talk to me. He makes me laugh. I'll ask him a question, then he would respond with a "howrooo". I noticed Chico kept racing for his bed any time Louie headed in that general direction. I began to think maybe he was hiding something in there. I checked, since I changed out their blankets anyways. Nope! Nothing there. Goofy boy. This afternoon the rain had stopped and it was nice and cool out. They got to spend much more time outside this time. Chico went off to explore a bit. Bella and Louie had some fun racing laps around the yard. Bella thought that was the most fun, having him chase after her! They each took some time to come visit me for attention. They were very excited when it was treat time! This evening was even cooler out. Bella, Chico, and I spent some time outside. Louie would wander out now and again, but he preferred to be in. They all worked on their dinners without any trouble.
Susie, Katie & Blackie
We had more rain this morning. Luckily, it had slowed to just a sprinkle by the time I arrived. I headed inside and got the kitties purring. I love that! They start almost instantly. A couple of the little guys were having a blast with some boxes, rolling around and trying to hide from me in them. I got the girls ready for their walk. We didn't walk quite as long this morning, since Katie wasn't liking being outside in the sprinkles much. They both did their business, then we headed back. I was happy to see that Blackie had polished off his plate this morning while we were gone! He was outside wandering around. I changed out the kitties boxes again today. A couple of them thought they'd help by hopping in the one I was trying to take. Haha! Later, I saw Blackie was still outside, so I tried to coax him back in. He must be enjoying the cooler weather! This evening several of the kitties were curled up by the door when I tried to come in. I saw some more, each perched on their own spot on the kitty tower. I stopped to pet them, which they enjoyed. I went in by the girls and they met me in the kitchen. They were ready for me! Blackie looked pretty comfy all curled up on the couch. It felt like a fall day this afternoon, and was still cool out this evening. The girls and I took our long walk. Blackie was still snuggled up in his spot when we returned. I went and sat by the kitties for a bit after I cleaned out their boxes. My little tabby almost crawled on my back while I was cleaning tonight! The kitties were pretty snuggly and lovey, all purring and trying to get my attention.