Toby met me at the door, sniffed me for a second and then got excited! He jumped up and down and started licking me immediately. Tyson and Morgan came out to see what all the commotion was about. I took Toby for a walk right away. We didn't go for very long, because all of a sudden he turned around and high-tailed it back towards home. I'm not sure if he just got too hot, or something spooked him, or what. I'm thinking he just misses his parents! He cried a little bit this afternoon. Poor baby boy! We went and played out in the backyard for a little while. The kitties both kept trying to say hi to me, but Toby would get jealous and chase after them so he could have all the attention to himself! Later Morgan came by me for awhile and was talking to me while I pet him. Tonight Toby was much more excited to see me! He was full of energy, so we went and played in the backyard. We played fetch with his little squeaker ball, and then he played keep away while I chased after him! He explored around the yard for a little bit before we headed back inside. Morgan and Tyson were waiting for us. I walked over to go pet them, but Toby beat me and scared them off. Later Tyson was rolling around on the floor and Morgan was having some supper. Toby snuggled up on the couch for awhile with me while I gave him a good back scratching.