This morning the pups quickly scarfed down their food and were ready to play. I worked on scooping the yard while they did their business. I had Harley go get her soccer ball for me, then she and I played fetch the rest of the time. Zoey sat on the top of all the piled up cushions and watched for awhile. Wyatt was keeping himself busy chewing on the kong. He later brought it into the patio and curled up on a chair with it. This afternoon was nice and warm out! Tut came out with us and just sat and enjoyed the warm sun shining down on him for awhile. Harley and Wyatt did a little exploring. Wyatt started gathering some toys together and then rolled around on them. What a goof! Zoey was perfectly content laying in the grass and sunning herself. This evening Tut wandered outside with us again for awhile. Harley kept me busy most of the time this evening, kicking her ball around for her. Wyatt had his kong and was protecting it from Harley stealing it... even though she had no intentions of doing so! Zoey curled up on her chair and Tut sat on top of the grill and watched us. I visited with Zoey for a little bit before bedtime. She happily gave me lots of kisses as she snuggled up with me!