Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Today Flax woke up in the hallway and hurried to say "hello!" to me at the front door. I let him outside to go potty right away, but once again it was chilly out so he didn't want to stay out too long.
Later today, Flax was drinking from his water dish when I came inside. He noticed me and turned to the door right away. He wanted to go out! It was a perfect temperature out to relax outside. We walked around the back for a little while then he decided he wanted to rest on his matress in the garage.
Tonight Flax came inside and ran right to his bed. I followed him and sat on the couch. Then he got up and came over by me to lick my hand! It was so cute! As I was leaving I waved goodbye to him and then he climbed right back on to his cozy bed.


Bright and early today Coco was sleeping on the living room couch. When I woke her up she pawed at the couch pillow and meowed at me. She was waiting for her breakfast! She ate almost a whole can of wet food this morning.
Afternoon came around and Coco was in her office bed. She's got a routine! I cleaned up her litter box while she ate and cleaned up a little mess she made on the floor. I sat with her on the bedroom couch for awhile while she gave herself an afternoon bath.
Tonight I served dinner to Coco in her bed. She ate quite a bit again! I meowed back and forth with her while I topped off her office water cups again.