This morning I was actually surprised it wasn't raining out yet when I arrived. The forecast had said it was going to rain overnight and throughout today. So, Luke and Maycie got to have some fun this morning. I let them outside quick, then went to wake Spiketail up. I turned on her daytime light and saw that she was comfortably resting on her perch. Outside, Luke started barking right away for a game of fetch. I got his ball out and had him running all over the place. Maycie said hi to me, then she wandered off to explore some more. This afternoon it was pretty well pouring outside. I let Luke and Maycie out to do their business. I went in by Spiketail to feed her lunch. She quickly gobbled up all her crunchy bugs! Then, she looked up at me, "Ok, I'm ready for my shower!". I gently picked her up and she clung onto my fingers. I spritzed her a few times, then placed her back in her bed. I got her some fresh water and some of her yummy Beardie Bites. Chuck got his lunch too. Next, I let the pooches back inside for their lunch. This evening I let Luke and Maycie out potty while I went to turn Spiketail's light off for bedtime. I swept up the laundry room a little, then headed out by the pups. I got Luke's ball for him, which was now thoroughly soaked from the rain. He got a few throws out of it. But then, he shook it around and it pretty much fell to pieces. I let him keep having his fun with half the ball until bedtime. Maycie was roaming around, checking things out as usual. She seemed convinced that something was hiding in the downspout! She had a little fun playing with some leaves on the porch as well. After they got inside for the night I got them each a carrot to snack on.