This evening both girls were wiggling their heinies excitedly when I came in! Harley began bouncing up and down so high on our way to the back door. I let them outside so they could do their business. Once back in, I got their dinner ready for them. It took Harley a little while to settle down, then she would walk by to grab a bite here and there. She ate pretty well! After dinner, we went into the living room to play. Harley was bouncing up and kissing my face. She's so silly! Sweet little Sadie came wandering around the side of a chair and had a red squeaky ball in her mouth. She brought it over to me, so we played some fetch! Harley didn't care about the ball, she just wanted to climb around in my lap and give kisses. Before bed we headed back outside for a little bit. Then, I got them each their snack before I left.