This evening I came in and checked around for the boys, since I didn't see them right away. Oreo came running within a couple minutes. He rolled around while I got a fresh can of food ready for them. He came and sat with me in the living room afterwards. He laid next to me and purred away, enjoying every minute. Occasionally, a bird would fly by the window and he would quickly sit up to check it out. Stuffy hadn't come to see me, so later I headed upstairs to find him. He was sitting in his spot on the ottoman. I sat with him for awhile and gave him some chin scratches too.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Bella, Louie & Chico
This morning I let everyone out. Chico hung out in his bed again until I opened a can of food for Louie. Since he ran out, I went and shut his kennel door so that he would actually spend some time outside. I saw why he was so protective of his bed. He had little treat pieces hiding under his blanket! I let Louie out and fed him his breakfast. He only ate about half of it for me. I put the rest away when he was done. Bella and Chico snacked a little too. Bella came outside and licked up any small canned bits she could find on the patio. Louie was getting around ok again this morning. He was a bit more weak than last night. His back end would occasionally sink down when he was walking and he'd have to stop and sit for a minute. When it was time i tucked the kiddos back in their beds. I got them each their peanut butter snacks for being so good.