Today the girls were out lounging by the front gate. They saw me pull up and gave me a bark hello. I went to the back door and called for them and they came running. The girls came in and said hi, then I filled their food and water dishes for them. I sat on the couch and Sophie came over for some heiny scratches. Roxy went right to work on her dinner. Sophie plopped on her doggie bed and took a little nap. Later, she worked up her appetite and went to join her sister. Roxy wandered off to the bedroom for a bit, then later came out and rolled around on the rug. When it was time, I sent the girls out with their snackies.
Saturday, October 7, 2017
Sophie & Roxy
Noell & Navi
This morning Noell met me in the kitchen. She strolled around while I got breakfast ready. Navi came in and sat by her bowl to wait. She cracks me up. The girls worked on their food as usual. When I finished up, they came to sit with me for some pets. Noell chased her feather toy while Navi went to check out the big box. I bet she really wishes it was empty so she could hop in there! Haha. Navi came back and rolled around next to me and pawed at the feathers some too. Noell picked the other side and was happy just laying there and getting her pets. They were pretty snuggly this morning!
Oreo & Stuffs
This morning I came in and Stuffy was sitting just inside the living room doorway. I nearly tripped right over him! Haha. Oreo was hanging out on the chair by the back door. He stretched out a paw at me, "Come to me." Haha. I said hi to the boys and got them their breakfast. After they ate, they joined me in the living room. Oreo didn't stay for very long and wandered off. Stuffy was my snuggle bug again this morning and he laid next to me the whole time, purring away. Oreo I later found snuggling my shoes. What a weirdo. Haha! This evening I came in and didn't see anyone, so I got their food ready quick. I went looking and found both boys lounging on the bed. I said hi and cleaned their box. They hadn't budged yet, so I guess I have to bring dinner to them. Haha. They both ate for me. Later, they got up and followed me to our spot. Both boys wanted their pets tonight. I had a string in my pocket that I got out later on for us to play with. Strings are the best! They loved it! As I was leaving, I spotted a kitty sitting on the ledge out back. It was the new kitty!
Sadie, Zoie & Cole
This morning it was cool and wet outside from the storms we had overnight. I came in and let miss Sadie out for her quick break and took Cole out back. He didn't want to get his tootsies wet, so I had to carry him and set him in the grass. Haha. Zoie took her turn and they all came in for breakfast. Cole got his pill and eye drops. After they ate, everyone went out for round two. This afternoon the sun was shining and it was just beautiful out. I let Sadie have her turn out front and i took Cole out back so we could sit outside for a bit. At first he pawed at me to go in, but I told him it was too nice out. He took a few minutes, then went to lounge on the patio a bit. We headed in to let Zoie out for her turn. She plopped down on the sidewalk and did some sunbathing. She didn't want to come in! Haha. This evening was nice and cool outside. I let the pups out for their quick breaks before dinner. Cole didn't want to stay out long after he did his business. Everyone ate well for me. After dinner, Zoie went out for awhile. She barked to let me know when she was ready to come in, so then it was Sadie's turn. Cole had gone and stolen Sadie's bed to curl up and take a nap. Soon, it was time to come in for bed.