Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Oreo & Stuffs

Today, Oreo met me in the kitchen as usual. After he got his hello pet, he went to his spot to wait for his dinner. Stuffy was lounging on mom and dad's bed today. I stopped in to pet him a little too. Oreo met me in the living room by the fireplace and got a little brushing. He quickly got bored with that and wandered off. Guess he's ready for mom and dad to come home! Haha. He was hanging out in the dining room later on. Since Oreo wasn't interested, I went and sat by Stuffy for awhile. He purred away and enjoyed plenty of chin scratches. Oreo did get some more too, when I stopped back by him before I left.


This evening I walked in, then shortly after, Shadow appeared in the kitchen. He rubbed up against my leg to say hi. He followed along to the pantry and helped me pick out some food for his dinner. Shadow worked on that right away, while I checked his box quick. After he nibbled some, he joined me in the living room for awhile. He laid next to me, then kept rubbing his head on my jeans. Shadow's motor was running loudly! Haha. He got plenty of pets, then he turned to play mode. We had fun with his feather toy. Soon, he worked up his appetite and had to take a break to go snack. He came back of course, for more attention. When he'd had his fill, Shadow wandered off to go lounge in the front office.

Poppy, Pita & Simon

Today Poppy and Pita were both lounging on the bed in the living room when I walked in. They both hopped down, wandered over and said hi. As soon as I opened the patio door, Poppy raced out there! She sat out on the deck for a few minutes, while I started to fill up their dishes. I gave them an extra bowl of dry food, just in case. Those two waited in the kitchen with me while I was opening up their can of food. I delivered a bowl to the bedroom for Simon to work on. Next, I sat down by Pita and started to give them some attention. Poppy ran under the bed and zoomed over to the patio again for awhile. Pita was happy to have all my attention to himself. He was rolling around on the floor, loving it up! I didn't see Simon at all today. Poppy returned after awhile and we got some play time in. She would hide under the bed, while I would scratch at the blanket. She'd do a little butt wiggle, then would be quick to tackle that spot! When it was time to go, I distracted her with a toy so I could sneak out without her coming with me. Haha.

Ranger & Cleo

This morning I walked up to the doggie house and saw the goats outside. They were very curious of me and came up to the fence to say hi. They were chatting away at me. I opened the door, then Ranger and Cleo ran up to greet me. They were very excited! I got them their breakfast, but they were too busy checking me out at first. After a few minutes, they settled down and went to work. Outside, I gave them lots of pets. Cleo made me laugh when she was groaning happily as I pet her. She's soo cute! Ranger was my little shadow, always walking right alongside of me. I got them each a couple cookies, then went to check their water. Ranger made sure to show me his big rawhide he got! Haha. When I was leaving, both pups followed along to the gate. They both sat and waited like good pups for me to go out. This evening, I saw the pups were out playing in the yard. They saw me pull up and ran to the gate to greet me. Poor Cleo got too excited and touched the fence. :( She stayed far away from it after that! The pups ran up to me and got some attention. We walked to their house and they waited for their dinner. The goats came up to the shed as well. The one even tried to get a closer look at me by the window. After the kiddos ate, I checked on the water in the goat's area. They were very curious of me and all came over to check me out. They're so funny! The pups followed me around and got their cookies. Ranger was all playful with his bone and we played chase a bit. Those two wrestled around some as well.

Gracie, Molly, Emma & the kitties

This morning, Molly and Emma were both still snoozing when I walked in. I think it was Gracie, thumping her tail excitedly in her bed, that woke them up! Haha. Those two went outside for awhile. I let Gracie out and got her ready for a short walk. It was a chilly morning outside. As we were walking along, a little weeny dog came running up to say hi to her. The owner had to come get him. Oops! Hehe. Gracie was a good girl though. After our little friend went back home, we continued our walk. When we got back home, it was time for breakfast! I got everyone their food, the girls their pills, and some cookies for them. Gracie got to spend a little time outside after they ate. This afternoon, Gracie was ready for me. She started bouncing around as soon as I walked in. We said hi, then she went out for her potty break. Meanwhile, miss Emma came out to see me. Charlie came to get some pets too. Gracie was jealously peeking in through the window at me. Haha! She came in and got her share of pets too. This evening, Gracie and Emma were at the door waiting. Gracie went out quick, while Emma followed me around to get their stuff ready. Molly and Emma had their turn outside, then it was time to eat. Molly finally ate all her food for me, instead of just nibbles. Yay! She was always happy to take her treats though, so I think she was just holding out on me. Haha.


This morning, Pokey was lounging on the back of the couch in the piano room. He came running up to say hi. After he got a few pets, he raced outside to go do his business. He had fun roaming around for quite awhile this morning. When he came back inside, I sat on the floor with him. We had fun playing with his toy a bit, then the rest of the time Pokey was snuggled up in my lap. At lunch time Pokey was on the back of his chair in the family room. He sat there and waited for me to come say hi. Then, he ran down, ready to go out. Pokey explored outside for awhile until he was ready to come in. Then, he was excited to come snuggle up in the chair with me and get some attention. This afternoon, I found Pokey lounging in the same spot again. He went outside right away, while I checked his food and water. He was running around out there and having fun. When he got back inside, he got some pets, then curled up on his blankets.

Bella & Chico

This morning I carried Chico out of his bed, while Bella went to wait for us at the door. They both went outside and did their business quick. It was a chilly morning out there, so they didn't stay out real long. Miss Bella came in and ate very well for breakfast. Chico nibbled a bit, but he was more concerned with laying in the hallway. He was telling me he wanted his treats! The pups spent a little time playing in the living room. Then, it was finally time for Chico to get his snacks. I got them each a couple small cookies to work on. This afternoon, it had warmed up a little, so the pups spent some time out back. When they came in, I got them each a rawhide to work on. Bella took hers out to enjoy on the patio. When it was time to go back to their beds, little Chico man was being a stinker, since he hadn't finished his yet. I put it up for him to work on later. He then seemed satisfied to go to his crate. Haha. This evening, the pups zoomed out of their kennels and made their way outside. It got cold again this evening. They came in after they did their business, and both worked on dinner. Afterwards, Chico was walking around the living room, and standing up on his hind legs. I think he was checking the tables for his leftover rawhide! Haha. When it was time for bed, they made me laugh. This time, they both happily went in and were staring out at me. "We're ready for our treats!"