Sarge and Diamond both got excited and started bouncing around in their cages when I came in! I let them out and Sarge made his way to the back door. Diamond was busy just bouncing along with me, trying to get my attention. I waited until we were safely outside, then made sure to pet them both. Sargey boy gave me lots of kisses. Diamond tried everything she could to get up to my face to give me some. Haha! Eventually she settled down and they did their business. We sat out for a bit, then headed back inside when Sarge was ready. His coat gets warm quick in the sun! I gave them each a couple treats for going in their beds like good puppy dogs.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Sophie, Kiki & Baby
This morning I let the pups out as soon as I arrived. They all came running out to say hi. Miss Sophie was pretty much attached to my legs the whole time! She wandered along with me while I let all the chickens out. I opened up the big coop first. It made me laugh because they came out by size and color! First the big white chickens hopped out, then the 3 big browns, then the black ones. Next I let the others out. The white duckie didn't want to come out with me standing there, so I grabbed the baby duck and let him have his space. I gave baby duck some fresh swimming water. Then, Sophie followed me around while I filled all the water dishes. I saw Kiki and Baby were all curled up in their beds in the garage. This evening the pups came out to meet me. Sophie followed me around and the other two came to sniff at me. I got them all tucked away for bed. Sophie wasn't wanting to go at first, but finally she joined Baby and Kiki like a good girl. Most of the chickens had already gotten in for their bedtime as well. I got them all secured inside. I only had the white duck left again. He was walking around peeping, confused as to where he should go. I got baby duck out and left the door open again, hoping he would wander in on his own. He kept wandering around, but tonight I was able to catch him pretty easily. I had one duckie in each arm and they were peeping to each other! I got them all tucked in and secured for the night as well.
Dillon, Ty & Boo
The kiddos were all happy to see me this morning. Boo met me at the door and started instantly rubbing up against my legs, giving me a meow hello. I let the boys out right away and got everyone their breakfast. Boo was being extra silly this morning, zooming all over the place. He ran as fast as he could and jumped up on the bed, sliding all the way across! When I finished up, I thought we should change things up this morning. It was a cool, breezy, gorgeous morning, so I thought I'd take the boys for a long walk! They got excited when they saw the leashes. They lined up to get their leash on, then off we went! We went on a nice long walk around the neighborhood. This evening the boys had been good while I was gone, like they have been. Boo came and followed me around as usual. The boys got to go play outside while I got dinner and cleaned Boo's box. Boo rolled around at my feet, so I stopped to pet him a bit. Outside, the boys were busy exploring. Dillon got tired and relaxed in the grass awhile. Later, I saw they were messing around with something in the grass. I went to investigate. They had found a huge toad! Ty kept trying to paw at him to get it to move. Soon it was time to head in, so Mr. Toad could hop away to safety.
Titus & Angel
This morning I was greeted by happy, bouncy pups! They ran circles around me while I walked in and got their collars on. I let them out to do their business, as usual, and got their breakfast ready. We started a new bag of food this morning. They nibbled a bit, but were a little too excited this morning. So, we headed out back for awhile. Angel sat by me to get pet, and silly Titus would nudge her over to squeeze in by me too. He crouched down in his playful stance, so we chased a bit. Then we had a staring contest. I would win every time! He would get silly, bark and pounce towards me so I'd play with him. This evening Titus and Angel came racing into their room to meet me. I saw one of the dogs had been busy pulling some stuffing from their bed! I cleaned that up quick. They sat and watched while I got their dinner ready. I sat with them so they would eat, and this time they laid down and quickly finished their food. We headed out back and Titus raced around while I watered plants. Miss Angel came and sat with me for her chin and neck scratches. When it was time, they met me back in their room for bedtime.