Wednesday, October 9, 2013


This morning Shadow was peeking his nose out the door at me as soon as I opened it. He had eaten well overnight. I opened him a fresh can of his prescription food for him to start with. He went and sniffed at it. I guess he's holding out for the good stuff this morning! He sat on the bathroom counter as I scooped his box quick. He followed me back to the living room. Shadow plopped down on the floor by his spinning ball toy. He laid there and pawed at his green feather ball. Then, he came over and started trying to mouth on me. I could tell he was in a playful mood this morning. I got out his feather toy and he just went crazy! He rolled around, leaped after it and flailed about. It was quite entertaining! At one point I think he startled himself and he went racing off to the bedroom! He eventually came back out and had a bite to eat. This evening Shadow must have been napping. He didn't come out to see me until I had opened the fridge to get out his food. He turned his nose up at his special food at first again. He was a bit more snuggly tonight and curled up in my lap awhile. We did play with his toy for awhile too. I went and got him some yummy food, just so he would work on eating a bit while I was there. That's what he was waiting for! He chowed down the little bit I gave him. We waited a bit, then he got some more. As I was getting him a little more, he decided he was going to work on his special diet in the mean time. Silly kitty! After he was full again, he lounged on the back of the couch for a bit.

Sadi & Stormy

This morning I heard Stormy hop down from her chair while I got their food together. She just sat under the table though. Maybe she didn't want her meds... haha. I went and got her to get that done quick. She was a lovey girl again today and was following me everywhere. Sadi wasn't under the bed, so I had to pass through the living room to check the patio. Stormy trotted along ahead and stopped to sit in our spot. When I kept going, she quickly turned her head from side to side. "Hey, where are you going?!" Sadi was out on the patio, enjoying the cool morning. She had a cozy spot on her bed in the sunshine. I brought her in for her meds, and Stormy tagged along. Once we finished, the girls got their attention time! Sadi would rub her head against Stormy while I brushed, then Stormy would give her a few kisses on top of the head. So sweet! They both sat with me the whole time today.