Thursday, December 24, 2009


Jazzper didn't come out of her house till I was in front of it today, since it was so yucky out! One of the patio chairs had blown in front of her doorway. A few other things had blown over and the pool cover was billowing up with the wind! Her food and blankets were covered in the icy sleet that was getting blown around. It stung when it hit any part of me as I walked to and from the house! Jazzper ran inside when I put the mail away. She came over to me so I knelt down and she put her head in my arms and snuggled. She stayed by me and warmed up while I pet her. When I got up to leave, she ran into the living room and hid from my view! I kept calling her to get her to go out, but she would only come so close if I had the door open. If I closed it, then she would come up to me. I left her in for the night and will stop by quick later to let her go potty. It should be done by tomorrow so she can go back out in the morning.

Duffy & Dory

The girls started barking at the door before I got inside today! Duffy wasn't quite as social today. She stayed out for awhile when I got there. I pet her for a bit, then she went behind the couch. I went into the bathroom and cleaned their box, and Duffy poked her head inside. I guess she knew what was coming next! They both got their treats. When Duffy was finished she walked off into the bedroom. Dory and I played fetch and snuggled!

Suzzie, Heiny, Boo, Quartz, Fudge & Fluffy

Boo met me at the door as usual. Fudge was all snuggled up on the blanket covering the back of the couch. I quick let the girls in so they could warm up. They didn't even want to come in because they were all cozy and snuggled in their little house! Heiny stuck her head out and looked at me for a minute. Then she finally decided to come in! They both got all icy just from walking to the house. I got Boo's food ready and saw Fluffy all curled up in and under the pillows on your bed! All I could see was her head. I went over to her and she let me pet her! She must have been too cozy to run off. I opened the cabinet under the sink before I left and let the girls go back outside.


I cut Cali's visit short today so that I could make it safely to all my scheduled sits before the roads got too slick. There was already a layer of ice on everything when I left my house! She got a new flavor of soft food today, so she didn't have to wait for it to warm up. I cleaned out her litter and made sure she was all set for the night.