This morning the girls were already out, so I helped clean up their bed. I got them their breakfast, which they finished up quickly. The girls ran around out there for awhile until it was time for the boys to go out. Charlie didn't want to stay out long again, and kept running back to the door. Neither really wanted to eat all their breakfast, so I put it in their bed with them to finish later. This afternoon I let Ruby and the girls out. Ruby was having fun racing around with them today. She seems to be getting more and more playful with them! She finally did her business, then all three were busy exploring. The boys came out next and had fun running around. They didn't mind staying out longer this time, since it was much warmer out.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Eddie & Butler
Today I let the boys out. They both circled me and said hi, then ran out to play. It was much nicer out today, so they spent awhile out there. They took turns coming in to see me. Butler hopped up on the chair next to me and pawed at me to play. I wrestled around with him for a bit. Eddie heard us and came in to play too. The boys messed around, then ran back out for awhile. They were busy laying in the grass and inspecting their holes out there when I went to get them in for the afternoon.
Today I let Winston out and he waited by the door for me. We went out and walked around a bit. Winston pulled me to his favorite spot and he bounced along in the grass. It was a little nicer out today, so we explored awhile after he did his business. As we were walking back, he got all crazy again and grabbed onto his leash. What a silly little boy! He was bouncing around pulling me along. I guess he wanted to walk me today instead. Haha. He ran to the top of the stairs and pulled me up. "C'mon hurry up!" We got inside and he was ready for a game of tug with his rope. He rolled around and was grr-ing, being silly. Winston ran and got his yellow dog and set it next to me.
Today Oscar met me at the door and began bouncing around. He ran to the door and waited for me. We made our way outside. It was much nicer out today, so we spent the whole time out there! He laid in the grass for a little bit. I went and got his frisbee, then he popped right up. I threw it pretty far, so he sprinted across the yard to catch it! We chased around and had some fun. He tried to play tug with his frisbee, but I didn't want him to rip it. He was a good boy and gave it to me, when I could catch him. Haha! We went inside when it was time and he got his snack. His tootsies were a little dirty, but he was a good boy and stood there while I wiped them off. He started going through his tricks when we were done, ready foe his treat. I gave him a blueberry cookie first, but he wanted to save that for later.