Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Daisy & Figaro

Today Daisy was sitting on top of the dryer. She made her way down while I got her food ready. She worked on that while I cleaned her box and then went to check on Figaro ' s things. I called for her again and waited, but she didn't come. I saw the garage was cracked open today. So, when I finished up I went to the front and called for her. It was raining at the time, so I guess she just didn't want to venture out from her dry hideout! She poked her head out and I gave her a few chin scratches. Figaro came out all the way, and got some attention. We had just enough roof covering us that she was able to walk around next to me and not get wet.

Rusty & Ruby

This afternoon I let Ruby out and she went to wait at the back door. I called and called for Rusty, but he didn't come to see me. I saw his ball on the floor, so I grabbed that and went to the front room. He was just lounging in his chair, as usual. Lazy boy! He finally got up and followed along outside. It was raining out when I got there today, so Ruby was all nervous. Rusty went out and did his thing, let me throw his ball for him a couple times, then he wanted back in. It took Ruby several minutes to work up the courage to go out to the grass to go potty. The second she finished, she raced for the door! Neither one wanted to be outside today. When we got back in, then both went to sit in the front room. I gave Ruby some heiny scratches, and Rusty lounged in his chair some more.


This afternoon my little man was ready to go! I got his leash on and we went to go take our walk. He did his business right away today. Since it was nice and cool out again, we took a long walk around the area. Winston's little sniffer got a good workout! Haha. It started to sprinkle a bit as we went along, but since it wasn't raining hard, we continued. When we got back home, Winston went and got his monster dude. I still wanted to give him a little break to let his mouth fully heal, so I found his rope and we played some fetch with that. He did want to play tug though, so I think we'll be ready to go next week for sure!


Oscar met me at the door today and once he saw it was me, turned and headed for the back. He waited up a little so I could give him some pets along the way! Once he got out there, he ran and got his frisbee again. He is sure enjoying the cooler weather! I grabbed on and we played a little tug. I asked him to drop it, and when he finally gave in, he ran off and caught my throw. Good boy! We did that several times today and had fun. Oscar got some good lounging time in today as well. Later on, the neighbor dogs came out, so he visited at the fence with them awhile. After that, a bunch of kids showed up next door and they all came over to say hi to Oscar. He loved that! He was jumping up at the fence, wanting more attention and enjoying every bit of it. He's such a good pup. When we got back in for the day, Oscar got his favorite snack.

Kaya, Kylie, Reese, Madison, & Max

This morning the pups did their thing, then came in for breakfast. The lawn guys had just finished up, so I made sure all the gates were closed before I let anyone out. I left the big girl's dishes in their bathroom and refilled them, since I didn't figure they were going to want to eat while I was there anyways. To my surprise, they both went in there and both ate all their food! Silly pups. Haha. When we went back out, they were all having fun again in the cool morning air. Madison found an intriguing spot in the grass that she kept sniffing at. The grass was pretty wet this morning too. Reese hopped in my lap for some attention and I noticed her legs were all green from running around in the fresh grass clippings! Kylie ran over when that happened and she stuck her head under the arm of the chair and proceeded to try and climb through that to my lap. Crazy lady! I kept trying to get her to go out and told her she was gonna get stuck, but of course she didn't listen. Haha. Later, she and Kaya were busy chasing around and wrestling each other. Reese, of course, was running along behind them! This evening the pups went out and it was raining. They came in for dinner quick. I had the big girls do the same as this morning and they both ate well again. Afterwards we went to spend some time outside, even though it wasn't the greatest out. The husky girls paid no mind. Kylie actually just sat and listened to the rain awhile. Later, she started digging like crazy! I tried to get her to stop and leave whatever it was alone, but I had to try a few times before she did. Reese had even gone over to help! Madison and Max hung out under the roof to keep dry for the most part. When it was time, they were all ready to go in for the night.

Sadie, Chloe & Patches

This morning Sadie was barking in a gruff voice to ward off any strangers! When she saw it was me, she started to dance around excitedly. I let her outside to go potty quick. I spotted Chloe on the bed and she meowed at me. Patches was peeking at me from the hallway, and came over to eat. She hopped up on the table before Chloe could. Sadie came in to eat as well. Afterwards, she and I went back outside. It was another cool morning. Sadie spotted a rabbit in the neighbor's yard, so she quietly stalked it until it ran off. Sadie roamed around and went to see what her neighbor dog friend was up to. Later, she came over to visit me. I kept her in today, since they were talking about getting some rain here.