This morning was basically a repeat of yesterday for the girls. It was still pretty crummy out, so we didn't get to take our walk. Daisy looked up at her leash sitting on the counter, "Are we going for a walk?". After breakfast she was too occupied playing a game of fetch to miss it! They took turns again, bringing the ball back. Daisy likes to take a break to get a drink of water, then cool off by sticking her feet in the bowl! Today she thought the ball needed to cool off too, so she gave it a bath a couple times. She's so silly! Right before I left, I gave the girls their last yummy rawhide bones. Indigo went right to town on hers! Daisy was dancing circles around me, poking me in the face with her bone. Haha! I think she wanted to make sure I wasn't going to do anything fun without her or go anywhere if she laid down to chew on it.