Oliver and May met me at the door this morning with such huge grins. We said our hellos, then they followed me around as I prepared their breakfast. Oliver finished before May for the first time. Then he followed me to the kitchen so we could get his piece of cheese. May went straight outside once she finished. Oliver followed. We actually spent most of the morning sitting outside in the sun. It was really relaxing, they both looked like they were going to fall asleep. This afternoon the pups and I played outside again. Oliver was so excited, he kept charging me and jumping up for a huge hug! The golden retriever next door was sitting in the hole under the fence watching us all play. May and Oliver occasionally went to go say hi to him. Then I played fetch with Oliver for a bit while May wandered around, rolling time and time again, getting completely covered in grass. This evening the pups were so happy to see me, they were right at my heels as soon as I was in the door. They practically inhaled their supper, then both of them made for the living room. They both curled up on one of the chairs and took naps. They seemed pretty worn out. I think they were playing a lot today. Their were toys scattered all over the living room floor.