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Monday, February 14, 2011
Dakota & Benny
This afternoon Kota was singing to me and Benny was hopping around excitedly, ready for their walk! We were able to get our longer walk in today. The snow had mostly melted on the sidewalks, except for the hills by driveways where people shoveled. Kota would just spring right over them! Benny would take his time, assess the situation, and find the lowest point to cross over. It was pretty funny to watch! Later, he attempted Kota's approach and hopped over. But, he couldn't jump nearly as far, so he landed right on top and sunk in a little! Kota climbed up onto a huge pile we passed by and helped herself to some snow. Benny saw that she was eating something, so he climbed his way up and tried some too! As we started getting close to home, we walked in the street in my attempt to dry them out a little. Kota decided she still wanted to walk in the snow and would jump into any puddles she could! I dried them both off once we got back home. Later this afternoon I let the pups out in the backyard to play. Benny quick did his business, found a ball and was ready to come back in. Kota came in and rolled around in my lap. Goofy girl! She was ready to go back out again shortly, and spent some time exploring around. Benny came to snuggle up with me and get his back rubbed! He dropped his ball and nudged it to me to throw for him. Later Kota came inside and went crazy when I started squeaking the ball! She zoomed around and hopped up and over the couch. I tossed the ball for Benny and she went after it too. Benny was too quick though! She stood and looked at me, then all of a sudden the other blue ball rolled to her feet. Benny must have said, "Here take that one instead!". They crack me up!
Auggie and Pattie

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