Sunday, July 7, 2013


Today the lawn people had been there before I arrived. I made sure to check all the gates right away. Mac met me and was excited to start playing. I got out his toy, which was still a bit damp from yesterday! He of course didn't mind at all. We played for awhile and he took his breaks in the pool. I put some more cool water in it again for him today. As we got towards the end of our game, the ball at end of the rope finally gave up and fell off! Mac wasn't sure what to do at first... go fetch the rope or get the ball that was sitting at my feet. I put the ball in the bin so he wouldn't be so concerned, and we got a few more throws in. It sure doesn't fly quite as far without the ball on there. When we finished, I put his rope away and got him his dinner.

Ginger, Tiger & Scout

This morning Ginger and Tiger wandered over to the gate to say hi. Scout was snoozing away in her corner. I called her name and she hopped right up! It was nice out this morning, so we spent the whole time outside. Ginger made her rounds, exploring about the yard. Tiger and Scout did a lot of relaxing. They all got excited when the neighbor dog came out, and ran over to say hi. When it was time, we all headed inside and they lined up in the kitchen for a little snack.

Taz & Clyde

This morning the boys met me at the door and walked with me to the back. Taz went out to go potty quick. Clyde just stood by me, not wanting to let me out of his sight! He bounced along excitedly behind me as we went to get them their breakfast. After the boys finished, I asked if they were ready. They followed me to get their harnesses on, and were ready to go! We got a nice long walk in this morning. This afternoon the boys and I headed outside right away. I went back in to find them each a dental chew. They both sat nicely for them, grabbed onto theirs and took off! Clyde ended up sitting behind me to eat his and Taz was off in the grass. They lounged around for awhile after they finished, running to the fence occasionally to check out sounds they'd hear.

Jackie & Meeko

This morning Meeko came down the stairs and followed me to let Jackie out. I fed Meeko his breakfast and got Jackie's ready as well. He wasn't interested at the moment, of course, because he wanted to get going. He bounced around a bit, then sat to get his collar on. We saw lots of fun things on our long walk this morning! First, Jackie saw a black kitty in the distance. Later, he saw another one and got all excited, because it poofed up and ran up the side of a tree! Jackie bounced up and down, but there was no way he'd get even close to that kitty. Haha! As we went along, we also saw a couple bunny rabbits. When we got back, Jackie ate his breakfast and went out for a last potty break. This afternoon it was pretty hot out. I let Jackie outside and got him and ice treat that I had made for him. He laid in the grass, carrying it from here to there to find the perfect spot. Once he polished that off, we went inside to cool off a bit. Jackie and I played some tug. Meeko came over to try and get some attention, but Jackie chased him away. I guess he didn't want to share! Later, we went back outside for a few minutes. He got a last potty break in and the rest of the time we played fetch with his snake toy. This evening Jackie and I went for a long walk as soon as I got there. We saw several bunnies out and about tonight. When we got back home, Meeko was patiently waiting for his dinner. I fed both boys, then let Jackie out for a potty break before bed. His bunny friend was in the backyard and it took off as soon as Jackie got outside. Once he was gone, Jackie sniffed all around the yard.

Bella, Louie & Chico

This morning everyone woke right up when I walked in. I let them all out in their usual order. I let them spend a little time outside, then got their breakfast. Louie and Chico went in while I stayed out with Bella. She wanted attention for a little bit, but eventually she made her way to her bowl. I went in to check on the little ones, but didn't see Chico. He was just lounging in his bed! I sat on the floor in their room and he came out to visit me. Louie came over as well, and that got Chico a little jealous. So, we all headed outside instead. Louie sat with me for a few scratches. He almost fell over, he just melted like butter when I found his itchy spot! A few birds were in the yard this morning, so Bella kept busy by chasing after them. This afternoon I let the pups all outside for awhile. Bella and Louie both came over for some attention. Everyone wandered around and did some exploring around the yard. Chico came over for a few pets as well, but Bella was being an attention hog and nudged him out of the way! I let the two little ones in and out as they pleased, so they could nibble on their food a bit. When it was time, I got their peanut butter kongs ready for them. Chico didn't want to go to bed this time, so I had to go get him.