This morning I got Charlie bird back in his cage while the pups ran outside. Once they came back in, I gave Sugar her insulin. She took it like a champ! She was such a good girl. Then, she ran into the kitchen and barked at me for her breakfast like usual. I got the boys their meds, but Buddy was being a little booger. He didn't want to take them for me, but finally after trying a few things, I got him to take them. Afterwards, I let them all out for another potty break. This evening the pups all greeted me at the door. We headed outside for a little bit since it was so nice out. When we came back in I got Sugar her injection again. She was a little more sensitive this time. Poor little girl! I got her a cookie after so she'd feel better. I gave her lots of kisses for mom too. After the boys took their meds, we spent some more time outside. Jimmy was having fun trying to chase after some birds!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Buckley, Chloe, Tizzy, JR & Bootsie
Today Bootsie was curled up in the chair with the stuffed animal, looking comfy! He just looked up at me as the dogs zoomed past to the back door. As I was walking up to the sliding door, I saw that crazy little squirrel run down the tree and across the yard to the other one in the back! So needless to say, all four dogs did a slingshot out the door and hit the ground running! They spent pretty much the entire time sitting around that tree today. Buck ran over to say hi and get a back scratch occasionally. I had to laugh every time Tizzy ran up the side of the tree! Later we headed in and I got them some peanut butter snacks and a fresh bowl of water. Bootsie was still snuggled up in his spot!

This afternoon Miranda peeked around the door as I opened it, to see who was home. After she said hi, she raced me to the back door. It was nice out, so she did a big stretch in the grass and sprawled out. Later she got up and came over for a back.scratch. After she went potty, we headed in and she wandered off to her room.

Biscuit, Dilly, Jezebel & Roxy
Today little miss Dilly was bouncing up high in the kitchen when I came in. I let the three little ones outside to play. They all did a little exploring. Roxy couldn't find a ball today, so she brought me her rope toy instead. She had fun fetching it by herself a few times before Biscuit joined in for some fun too. Dilly ran over for some love when I called for her. Then, she went back to checking things out in the corner of the yard. I put Dilly and Roxy in their room so Bert could come out to play for a bit. She had fun just wandering around and sniffing at things. Then, it was time to come in and get everyone a treat.