This morning Ally was in her usual spot, curled up on a dining room chair. I scratched her chin for awhile, then she stood up so I could get her back. After visiting with Ally for awhile, I went to search for Prissy. She was sitting in the corner behind the couch. She didn't want too much attention today, so I made my way up to see Daisy. Today she came running out of her cage! She sat by me briefly and let me pet her. Then she went on her way, exploring! She nudged her way through the cracked door into the other bedroom. Daisy got bored with that and came back into her room. She hopped around in her tunnel, then came to sit by me. She crawled around behind her cage and in the corner at the end of the bed. Daisy did a lot of hopping around today. She took a break yo give her face a bath! When it was time to go, I grabbed her bag of food. She stood up on her hind legs at my feet to see what I was up to! She went right in again and got working on her food. I said goodbye to the kitties on my way out.

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