Saturday, January 25, 2014

Hunter & Riley

This morning the pups came running to greet me. I let them out right away, so they could do their business. They did well overnight. It looks like someone had a pillow fight! All but two pillows, were on the floor. Haha. I picked those all up, then the pups were ready to come inside. We worked on breakfast next. I fed Riley a few yummy pieces of canned food, to get her appetite going. Then, she went to work on her own. Hunter started eating once he heard her chowing down. When Riley was done, she went to itch herself by rubbing across the back of the couch. Silly girl! We went outside again after they were done eating. Riley rolled around in the grass. They both did some exploring for awhile. This evening the kiddos knew I was here, and were already barking while I checked for the mail. I headed inside and let them out right away. They are still doing very well! They did their business, then wanted in. I got them their dinners. I fed Riley a few bits, but she wasn't too interested tonight. Hunter nibbled a bit on his, but was more interested in trying to get me to play! We all went out and I threw his ball around with him a little. I took it back in when we were done, then we went back out so they could continue to play. They both explored awhile in the dark. As I was leaving tonight, a bird scared the crap outta me! I was locking up and heard a rustling behind and above me. A bird was trying to get in by the light!

(Can you tell Hunter was excited to play fetch? Haha)