Sunday, November 27, 2011

Buddy, Bruno, A.C., Angel & Aspen

This morning Buddy was up and waiting for me. Aspen followed me into the bedroom to get Bruno. It was bitterly cold this morning, so we took a slightly shorter walk than usual. When we got home, both A.C. and Aspen were waiting in the living room for their breakfast! While the kitties ate, Bruno and I played fetch in the kitchen with his duck. This afternoon I took the boys for another short walk. After cleaning litter boxes, we sat in the kitchen again. Bruno brought me his bone to toss across the kitchen. Buddy sat right next to me and enjoyed plenty of chest and back scratches. Aspen hopped over the gate, then came and snuggled up in my lap. He kept me nice and warm, purring away as I pet him!

Luke & Maycie

This morning Luke and Maycie were ready to go out and play. I got Luke his ball right away and we began our game of fetch. Maycie was busy running around and playing with bugs on the patio. They both got very muddy again this morning, so we stopped in the garage before heading in. I wiped off their paws with the towel. Maycie kept jumping up and messing around when I was cleaning Luke up! This afternoon I swept up the floor again while Luke and Maycie went out potty. They came back in and had their dinner. Luke was ready for some fetch when we got back outside. He could hardly wait for me to throw the ball! Maycie was chasing back and forth along the fence with the neighbor dog most of the time.

Fiona, Danner, Lew & Jenny

The kids all knew I had arrived this morning. They crowded at the door to see me. Danner almost pushed his way out the front door to say hi! Lew and Fiona each grabbed a kong and started prancing around with them. Everyone quickly ate their breakfast. It was way to chilly out this morning, so we visited together inside. As soon as I sat down, Fiona ran and jumped in my lap! Danner rolled over on my feet and got a belly rub. My little sidekick, Jenny, got her share of attention too. She kept doing her little chattering thing she does this morning. Lew curled up on his bed for awhile. Before I left I got them each a yummy peanut butter filled kong!

Abbie, Guinevere, Sonny & Tabitha

This morning Abbie ran out of the bedroom to see me. We put on her coat and headed out. She went potty then walked around a bit. I let her linger around the front yard until she was ready to go in. Inside, it was breakfast time. Abbie watched me with wide eyes as I popped open new cans of dog and cat food. I put her food down, but she was more eager to eat the kitties leftovers then her own meal. Surprisingly, the cats licked their plates clean quickly, so Abbie could make sure they didn't miss anything.