Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sophie & Roxy

I could hear Sophie and Roxy in the backyard when I walked up to the house today. I let them in one at a time to wipe their paws and they were wiggling around like normal. Sophie was licking my face while I was cleaning up Roxy. Then they went and sat in their spots, waiting for their treats while I took care of the fish. They both came to investigate what I was doing while I set up the stepstool. After I was done we sat on the floor and said hi. Sophie was rolling all around, falling into my lap. Roxie sat on her couch then kept darting her head around and looking at the ceiling. I figured she was searching for the laser, so I went and got that out. They chased and chased it all over the place! I stopped for a minute and they both just stared at me. They didn't want to go back outside again! I had to trick Sophie out with the light. Then I went for Roxy and had to carry her out, because she just didn't want to!

Staring at me, waiting for the laser light to come back on.

"Hey let us in! We weren't done playing yet!"


We're moving in the right direction with the temperatures today. It was 12 degrees with a windchill of 2, and it was snowing. Tomorrow we're supposed to get up to 36! The spigot outside was unfrozen again today, turned right on for me. I got Taz his food and water, then we were on our way! He was sure ready to go today and was crying till I got his collar on. We took the medium route today. The light fluffy snow that was falling made the icy spots very slippery and hard to see. We both slipped a few times, but neither of us fell! On the way back we passed a christmas tree laying by the fence. Looks like someone just tossed it over! Taz was pretty excited and had to check that out. The next two days should be really nice out and we can get back to his longer route.