Thursday, April 29, 2010

Maycie & Luke

Maycie and Luke were barking when I walked in through the front door, but did great when I let them outside! Luke was just fine and didn't growl or anything. Luke and I played fetch while Maycie was hunting down June bugs! I'm pretty sure she got every single bug that moved on the patio! I tired out Luke pretty good, so he eventually laid down and didn't want to chase after it anymore. At one point he couldn't find the ball, so I went out to help him look for it. I gave Maycie a back scratch while Luke was resting. When it was time to go in, Maycie followed me right away. It took Luke a second, but he eventually came too. He walked into the garage, then laid in the kennel that's in there! Luke was pretty thirsty! I think he was trying to cool down, because he stuck his foot in the water and splashed it all over. I let them go potty one more time before I left since they drank a lot.

Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie

The kiddos were all ready to come inside for the night. Sugar ran right to the couch and dug out a bone to start chewing on. I gave Buddy and Jimmy their meds. Sugar came over to say hi to me for a little while, so Buddy took her spot. Jimmy and Sugar snuggled up with me on the couch. Buddy hopped down to eat a little supper, and the other two who were watching like little vultures, immediately ran to the couch and fought over who would get the bone next! They are so funny!

Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie

Buddy came running over to the fence when I pulled in this afternoon. I went out back to play with them for a little bit. Their water bowl was full of all kinds of stuff from the wind, so I changed their water. Sugar and Jimmy came over to be pet and Buddy was searching around the patio. After a little bit they all relaxed and laid down. Sugar watched the workers next door for a little bit.


Taz was waiting at the gate for me when I pulled up today. It was super windy out, but a lot warmer than the last couple mornings. A little boy and his dad were outside as we walked by. The little boy said hi and commented on what a big dog Taz was! We took the nice long route today and played some fetch when we got back. On the long sidewalk right before home, one of the poor trees was snapped right in half and laying on the sidewalk! Taz had to check it out when we went by. Also, this morning there were dogs outside at the two houses across the street, so Taz was not letting them out of his sight.