Tyler and Emma met me at the front door this afternoon. Lacey started barking and was acting shy when I first let her out of the bedroom. I took Tyler and Emma out potty right away, then got everyone's dinner ready. Lacey wasn't shy anymore! After everyone ate, they followed me as I got Luke's bowl to fill. I found him under the bed. I pulled out the pillow he was laying on and put him up on the dresser so he knew where his food was now. He sat up there for awhile, watching Lacey bounce up and down at the bottom! Tyler and Emma were both snuggled on the doggie bed by the fireplace as I left. Tonight Lacey was doing a lot better and she came outside with Tyler and I to go potty. She followed us around out there until we all went inside for their supper. Luke came out too and rolled around in the dirt! He stayed out for the night since it was so nice out. After everyone ate, I sat on the floor in the living room and they all laid down by me. Tyler laid down and put his head in my lap right away! Lacey curled up on the other side of me and Emma laid next to Tyler on the doggie bed. I pet Tyler and Lacey's tummies for awhile. Emma was even falling asleep! She was having a hard time keeping her eyes open. I put Lacey in her bed for the night before I left.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Bear & Coco
This morning Bear was wide awake when I came in. She was ready for her brushing! She got up and moved closer to me right away, and started purring immediately. After awhile I went in to spend some time with Coco. Bear wasn't too happy about that and I could hear her meowing in the bedroom. Coco woke up after I pet her, and I gave her a nice brushing too! She even gave me some kisses! I got another can of food and brought it in by her to eat. She did very well and ate almost half of it right away. They had completely polished off one of the plates I left out last night and some of the dry food was gone too. This afternoon I brushed Bear some more. After I had spent some time with her, I went to go see Coco, but she wasn't in her usual spot! I checked all the other areas you told me she likes and I still couldn't find her. I looked again and must have completely missed her! She was in the other room with the pink bed spread, under the blankets. They had made some pretty good progress on the plate of food I left this morning. I got another can opened for them. Tonight Coco meowed at me as I walked in the front door. She was busy eating some dry food in the entryway. They had polished off another plate of soft food from this afternoon! Coco followed me in by Bear and got a drink out of the cup on the table. Then she wandered back into her room and curled up on her bed. I brushed them both again tonight for a long time and they just purred away! They both are eating for me and doing very well!
Sammy, Gracie, Molly & Shelby
Everyone met me at the door today when I came inside. Shelby barked the most, while Sammy and Grace were busy saying hi! I got their supper ready and had them all line up to eat. I sat down on the floor with them and Molly was too interested in smelling me to eat right away. Sammy and Shelby were done first, and they both stared at the other two until they were finished. As soon as Gracie was done, she made herself comfortable in my lap and started kissing my face all over! We all went into the living room after they finished supper. Shelby didn't want to come too close yet so she curled up on the floor. The other three had surrounded me as soon as I sat on the couch! Gracie was draped across my lap and Sammy was sprawled out on the pillow on one side of me. They both were laying upside down so I could rub their tummies! Molly was all curled up on my other side. I wish I could've gotten a picture of that!
Maggie & Moe
The girls were very excited to see me tonight, almost couldn't make it to the back door to go outside. They were jumpin all over me. Once we got outside they were running around like crazy, I chased them around a little but they were all about chasing each other around. Then we palyed a little fetch with one of their rawhides, they would both run after it and even if Miss Maggie got there first she would step aside for Miss Moe to get it. At one point Miss Moe was laying off to the side chewing on a rawhide and Maggie did an "army crawl" from like 15 feet away, pulling her back legs behind her all the way over to me, it was pretty funny. They were both great, both went potty outside for me. We went back in a couple minutes before I had to go, they were panting pretty good and seemed pretty thirsty. Inside Miss Maggie almost knocked me over while I was crouching down petting her when she tried to jump up into my lap, she just got so excited! I left the living room light on for them before I left, they were both pretty calmed down.
Boston, Zuke, Zoey, Shadow, Macey & Dakota
This evening I brought in Zoey, Macey and Dakota then put everyone else outside for awhile. Zoey hung out in the living room and curled up in the chair while I got everyone's supper ready. After they finished eating, I spent some time with them inside until the others were ready to come in. Macey and Dakota have calmed way down for me since the day I met them! I let the others in for their supper. Boston was being a little silly and didn't feel like eating for me. He laid down in the kitchen while Zuke and Shadow ate. Once they were done, I finally got him to eat his food! Then he finished it in seconds, so I'm not sure what he was doing! We sat in the living room for awhile and they all got some attention. Zuke came over whenever he could, while the other two pushed each other around again!
Maggie & Moe
"I'm not moving an inch!"
Busy burying her bone...
Boston, Zuke, Zoey, Shadow, Macey, & Dakota
I let Boston, Zuke, Zoey, and Shadow out right away this morning while I fed Macey and Dakota. Macey was almost too excited to eat this morning! I had to keep Dakota away from her food until she decided she was hungry. After awhile I let them go out and brought the others in to feed them their breakfast. Shadow was the first one finished, so he came over by me to get his back scratched! I went into the living room and sat in the recliner when they were all done. Boston and Shadow were both nudging each other out of the way to get all my attention! Zuke was able to sneak in a few times to get pet too.
"Wanna be my friend?"
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