Rug curled up, boo freak out tail puffed this morning the boys were excited as usual when I walked in. I saw Boo must have had fun with the rug by the back door after I left. It was all rolled up into a ball! As I was letting the boys outside, something freaked Boo out. He raced off the table, knocking things over. His tail was fully poofed out! After he settled down he came over and rubbed up on my legs. I still don't know what he saw! I sat outside with the boys while they played. They were looking for more birdies this morning, and I heard momma bird somewhere chirping loudly to warn them off. They didn't find any, so eventually they explored elsewhere. When it was time to come in, they got right to work on breakfast. They will be happy to see mom today!
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Dillon, Ty & Boo
Titus & Angel
This morning the pups were quite calm when I came in. They both sat nicely to get their collars back on. After they did their business, they came in to eat. Neither was really too interested in breakfast. Titus just wanted to play! He kept sitting by me and would throw his head back and howl at me. He was quite the talker this morning! Since they weren't settling down to eat, we went out back to play. I grabbed Angel's toy and tossed it around. Titus would race around and grab it, but I'd have to go get it. Haha! Angel was too busy chewing on dirt from her hole. What a goofy girl. I made sure they had plenty of fresh water before I left.
Hudson, Zel, Gabbie, Sparkles & Blackie
This morning Blackie wandered out of the garage when I came in. Sparkles met me in the kitchen, meowing at me. I let Hudson out and he decided to take me on a joy run this morning... I had him by the collar as we went out, but he heard a dog bark and pulled just enough to lose my grip. Off he went! I ran in the house quick and grabbed the treats and took after him. He was hanging out by Blackie in one of the neighbor's yards. It took a minute, but finally he came running to me and I carried him back home. Little stinker! I put him out in the yard and got the girls. They played awhile, then we wiped paws and came inside for breakfast. Sparkles was busy rubbing up against my legs for attention. After the pups finished, they went back out to play. This evening I saw Blackie lounging out in the backyard. He came wandering up to say hi when he saw me. I let the kiddos out one by one and we didn't have any more incidents! Haha! I let them play for a bit before dinner. They were all ready to come in when it was time. Gabby wasn't wanting to eat at first. She was more interested in playing. When I ignored her for a bit, she finally went to eat before Hudson could get it. Zel was busy chewing on her bone after she finished. I let her enjoy that for a bit before we went back outside. Hudson discovered a turtle in the yard and barked at it. He would prance away from it, thinking he was tough stuff! "I sure told him!" Then, he'd go and bark some more, until the turtle found a place to hide.