This morning both girls were in the kitchen waiting for me. Navi started meowing at me that she was ready for her breakfast! Noell led the way and Navi followed along behind me as we headed to their room. The girls waited in the dining room as I got their food ready. They snacked while they waited for me. Noell was first to bolt out to the living room. Navi followed along behind again. I gave them a couple pets and then we got to play time. Navi was pouncing on the laser light as Noell was stalking it. I had Navi jumping and leaping to get her mouse toy too. Noell was checking out the roomba, then she went and laid in the corner by the tv stand. I got her to play with her mouse a little too.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Oreo & Stuffs
Oreo was right at the door as usual! He did his stretch while he waited for me to get in. Then, he led the way to the kitchen. Oreo rubbed up against the cabinets while he waited for me to get his dinner. Oreo was still snacking after I finished with their box, so I went to fill his toy up. He was just finishing and making his way to the living room behind me. Oreo was all lovey today and wanted all the chin rubs he could get! Haha. He took breaks to paw out a couple treats, but would be right back for more pets. He snuggled up next to me and rubbed his head on me as I itched his chin. He got up and went to watch the birds from the window after awhile. Stuffy didn't come out to visit again, so I went to him. He was just lounging in his comfy closet bed. He purred away while he got his turn for pets and chin rubs.