This morning Titus and Angel were excited to get outside. I quickly put on their collars, then off we went. They each took a few minutes to do their business. Titus was ready for play time after that! He ran circles around me and played "keep-away". I tossed a ball and Titus went leaping and bounding after it, then turned and ran back. Angel wasn't quite ready for fetch this morning. She was too busy sniffing around the yard. Later, we headed in for their breakfast. It was a bit cloudy this morning, but it turned out to be quite the nice afternoon! Titus and Angel were laying by the fence when I pulled up, then they raced to meet me at the back door. Angel and I got a few throws of her tennis ball in this evening. Titus raced with when he could, then danced circles around me again, taunting me to play. We chased around and he got into a full sprint around the yard. He was going so fast that he couldn't stop and actually jumped clean over Angel! She barely noticed, since she was busy sniffing at something in the grass. They enjoyed some attention time before we headed in for their dinner. After they finished, they came over to me for some back and neck scratches.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Sadie, Sassy & Ninja
The girls woke up and came running as soon as I unlocked the door this morning. I let them out, then went to let miss Ninja out. Sassy made her way around and went into the garage to check if Ninja had any canned food left over. She was disappointed to see it was all gone. I got everyone some food this morning, then went out to visit with the girls. Ninja had made herself comfortable on a patio chair. Sadie was busy chasing after all the birds this morning. Sassy was a spunky little girl today too! She was running and bouncing along with Sadie. She kept wandering over by me for a little back scratching, but Sadie would get jealous and nudge her out of the way. Poor little Sassy. This afternoon was very nice outside again. We spent our entire visit out enjoying the beautiful weather! Sadie made her rounds, making sure no birds were sitting in the grass. When she wasn't getting attention, she was lounging around in the shade of the trees. Until she'd spot a bird of course! Sassy made me laugh this afternoon. She was carrying on a long conversation with another dog in the neighborhood. One would bark, then the other would sound a couple barks back. Sadie thoroughly enjoyed some belly rubs and back scratches. Miss Ninja must have been enjoying the afternoon everywhere, as I didn't see her around. This evening Ninja was waiting for me as usual, and so were my happy ladies! They zoomed outside while I got Ninja her dinner. Tonight Sassy had made her way into the garage before I closed it, knowing Ninja was about to get a can of that yummy food! Haha! The girls came in to work on some of their own dinner, before we headed out one last time for the evening.