Genny and Crash played outside for awhile this morning when I arrived. Someone must have decided to play with the bowl on the coffee table last night! The seashells were all over the floor and the bowl was in the front room. I picked it up and put it on the kitchen counter so nothing gets broken. Crash was hopping around in the snow this morning, sinking in each time. They each went potty, then explored around for a bit. Genny started eating some snow! They came in and got dried off before their morning snack. Afterwards, Genny had some breakfast. Crash and I wrestled around while Genny was snuggling up to me to get pet. If i stopped petting her for a second, she'd paw at me to let me know she was still there! It was pretty nice out this morning, so I let them play outside a bit longer. Tonight as I was driving up, there were two deer standing in the driveway! They hopped away when I closer. Crash bounced around and gave me a few barks "hello!" as Genny was walking circles carrying her froggy again. They ran around outside for awhile at first. Crash licked my face while I dried Genny's paws off. We sat around their bed and I had one pup kissing each cheek! They're so sweet! I gave them each a big kiss from their momma. Genny sat up against me so I could reach her back better haha. When I got around to her belly, she leaned all the way back like I was her chair! We took a break while they ate some supper, then back outside to play some more!
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