This evening Oreo was right at the door, peeking out at me as I came in. He meowed, then trotted along ahead of me to go to the kitchen. While I was getting their food ready, I saw Stuffy had come to see what we were up to. He stood at the edge of the kitchen and watched. The boys were both waiting for me in the living room when I was done with their things. I turned the fireplace on, since it was a chilly day today. I thought they might like to snuggle up close to the warmth. Oreo came and laid next to me, enjoying his pets. Stuffy sat off in the distance, content where he was. Oreo took a break to snack on some food, but returned for more pets shortly after.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Katie & Sage
Today the girls began bouncing around in their beds when they saw me coming. I put the mail away quick, then let Katie romp around for awhile. While she was busy exploring, I cleaned out her side and got her some fresh water. She kept coming to visit me and would nudge my hand with her nose, to pet her. We got her eye cleaned up, then she was busy rolling around in the grass. She got to eat when it was Sage 's turn to play. Sage zoomed out of her kennel and raced around the yard. She was checking out what was under the shed, while I cleaned her side. She must not have found anything, and got bored with that pretty quick. She and I got a little game of fetch in today as well. She had fun rolling around in the grass after that, until it was time for her dinner.