Monday, November 30, 2009


It was really cold and frosty out this morning! Molly must have been cold too, she barely went onto the grass to go potty and came back in right away. This morning I was using her massager, then started just using my hands like I do for my puppy. She liked that a lot! I started with her head and neck. Then she would turn her head for me, as if she was telling me where she wanted to be rubbed. I think she was still sleepy this morning, so we didn't really chase around like we normally do. This evening it was a lot nicer out when I came. She had a lot more energy too. She was like a little puppy when I came in! We caught up on our play time after she was done with supper and her brushing. I saw deer running across the highway when I was almost to the turn both visits today. They must be on the move!

Sierra & Koko

The girls were excited when I came in today, jumping all over the place! Sierra didn't finish her breakfast, so I tossed it since it was pretty mushy. I pet them for awhile when their food was heating up. Koko really liked that! I went in and cleaned up their pads, then Sierra came in and licked at my hand. She did her usual running back and forth between me and the kitchen. I got their lighty out and we went in the bedroom and I turned the light off so they could see it really good! Koko started carrying around the pink dog toy I brought while she chased after the light, that was cute!