Tuesday, September 22, 2015


This afternoon Oscar was napping on the couch when I arrived. He did a big stretch and came prancing over to say hi. We went outside and he ran off to go explore. His friends came out and he raced over to the fence to say hi. Later, Oscar came over to bark at me to play. I grabbed his frisbee and we actually got to play a game! He ran and fetched it for me several times! Then, he pooped out and had to go lay in the shade. Haha. Oscar let me know when he was ready to head in and cool off. He worked on his food while he had company. We played for a couple minutes, then he was ready for his treat.


This morning Noell met me in the dining room. She was meowing at me loudly this morning! I headed out back to turn the water on quick. Then, it was time for breakfast! Noell took a bite, supervised me while I scooped her box, then ran along ahead of me to wait in the living room. She did plenty of zooms today! Whenever she'd get tired out, Noell would just sit on her fishy so it couldn't escape. Then, she was all about her pets the rest of the time.