This afternoon Miranda peeked around the door at me as I opened it. Today she excitedly grabbed her black Frisbee to bring outside! We played some tug of war with it. Then, she went and laid in the back of the yard. If I got close to try and throw it for her, she'd quickly grab it so I couldn't! So, I found another toy to throw to trick her into leaving it for me. After I threw her Frisbee she ran and leapt to catch it. She wanted to stay outside and enjoy the beautiful day, but soon she came right in for me.
Monday, April 2, 2012
I said hi to Sarge when I got inside, then let him out of his bed. I guess he thought someone came with me, because he kept looking back at the door and howling! I told him it was just me, then he relaxed and followed me out the door. As soon as we got outside he gave me tons of kisses! Next he laid on the patio for a few minutes to soak up some of the warm sunshine. He made me laugh when he was watching a fly, following it with his head moving in circles! When he hopped down off the porch to go potty, we saw a frog hopping around. That got Sarge excited! He followed it until it went to hide under the porch. Soon it was time to head in. Sarge was such a good boy and went right into his bed without me saying a word!
Biscuit, Dilly, Jezebel & Roxy
This afternoon the gang was happy to see me as usual! Dilly bounced along with us to the back door. Dilly hopped up on my lap for awhile, as the other two were busy exploring. Then, all three raced off to the front of the yard. The neighbor Chihuahua was outside playing with a squeaky toy! Soon it was Bert's turn outside. She mostly wandered around the yard smelling around. Later she came and sat with me for awhile and pawed at me for me to pet her.
Tank & CJ
This morning the pups both ran outside to greet me. Once I got inside, they lined up for their hot dog snacks. We headed out back to sit outside and enjoy the warm morning. Tank and CJ both sat at my feet snuggling me while I pet them. After awhile we went to the garage so they could eat. Tank actually ate quite a bit for me. Then, he rolled over on my feet for a belly rub while CJ was nibbling on the food. She kept going back and forth between outside and the garage. They crunched on their chicken snacks before I left. This evening I was met with happily wagging tails in the kitchen. We headed outside for awhile at first. We could hear geese and what I thought was a peacock calling in the distance. Someone was shooting nearby and CJ seemed a little nervous, so we went in and I got them their hot dogs. Next we went to sit in the garage. Tank worked on his dinner while CJ sat between my legs and got pet, while giving me kisses in return.
Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
This morning I came in and let everyone go potty quick before they got their meds. The boys got the rice while Sugar worked on some chicken. I put Charlie back in bed and forgot to check the clothes pins, so he snuck right back out on me! After breakfast we all went outside for awhile since it was already so warm out. Jimmy had fun chasing after a fly! Buddy was off searching for critters and Sugar came and relaxed on her bed. I got them each a bowl of food to work on in their beds since Buddy was guarding the food this morning. This evening we went outside for a little while before med time. After they finished eating I got them each an egg white. Sugar was quite the bouncy little girl when we got back outside! They all ran to see the neighbor and their dog playing outside.