I let the pups go outside to go potty this morning. Kota had some soft stool again, and I might know why! I was wiping Benny's paws off and I looked up and saw Kota standing up eating out of his bowl on the counter! Sneaky sneaky... So after that I fed Kota her breakfast, while Benny and I played. When she was done eating she chased Benny around again and stole his toy from him. She carried it around and around the living room and jumped over the couch, then finally gave it back! They both came and sat by me for some attention. This afternoon I let them out again, and they were running back and forth along the fenceline with the neighbor dogs. Benny found some mud in the backyard, so I washed his feet in the sink. He was very good for me! Kota finished off her food from this morning, except for some kibbles on the floor and around the bowl. She crawled under the stand to get a few more bites and started tossing her kibble of food around again! She was really getting excited about it and did it for quite awhile. They're so funny! They did great this weekend and will be happy to see you!!