Blackie came to meet me at the door this morning. He followed me around until he got his breakfast. The girls barked at me a little bit while I sat with him. Katie came up to me, expecting a treat in my hand. When she didn't get one, she ran back in the living room. As soon as Blackie was finished, I grabbed the leashes. Katie took no time at all to run up and get hers on! It took Suzie a couple tries before I could catch her long enough to hook her up. Meanwhile, Blackie was jumping in my lap, "Take me! I'll go!". We took a nice long walk this morning. The sun was nice and warm! We saw some other pups out walking as well. Once we got back home and I unhooked them both, everyone raced for my lap when I sat down. Blackie was even standing up against me to try and get closer than the girls. He is used to getting all the attention! We started hearing a beeping sound that was freaking them out a little, so I went on the hunt for it. It was one of the smoke detectors on the table (without removable batteries). So, I took it into the back room and placed it between a couple towels, so they couldn't hear it anymore. Suzie was attached to my leg the whole time as I was wandering around! Katie, who had taken to hiding, emerged after the sound was gone to snuggle up with us a little longer. Tonight was simply gorgeous out yet. I came in to see Blackie in the back room. He followed me to get his dinner. The girls barked a bit, I think more just out of habit than anything. Katie came and sat with me and got pet right away. She barked a couple times while I pet her, in response to Suzie's barks. After Blackie was done, I grabbed the leashes again. They were so excited they were crying! They both raced over to get their leash on, and away we went. Tonight after we got home, everyone piled on the couch with me. I even got kisses from all three! All was quiet until I got up to leave. Suzzie started in right away haha! Katie started with her initially, but she stopped and was quiet after. She even walked me to the door, so I pet her for a couple more minutes before I left.