This morning Flax was a sleepyhead! It took him a little bit to get up at first. When he did, we made our way outside and started on our walk. We got quite a bit of rain over the past couple days, so there was a new little stream running through the grass. We crossed that, but I had to stay behind when Flax waded through the big stream! He wandered and sniffed around up there for awhile. He eventually made his way back home and curled up on his bed on the patio. He spent the rest of the morning outside. This afternoon we sat on the patio for a few minutes, then Flax was ready to head in. He sure has his routine down. We sat on his bed inside and he took a nap while I scratched his back. This evening Flax popped his head up from in the kitchen. He headed outside to do his business while I grabbed the mail. We sat out on the patio again for a long time and enjoyed the cool evening air. He knew when it was bedtime and followed me inside to get his dinner and treats.