Today Poppy came running to greet me. She would meow and rub up against my legs as I walked to the door. I opened it up and was curious if she'd want to go out there today. It was snowing outside! She poked her head out and looked for a minute. Pita was sitting by the kitchen, ready for their snacks! Poppy followed me around everywhere, and supervised while I took care of their things. I went to go close the back door, figuring she wouldn't venture out in the cold. She quickly zoomed out there before I could shut it! Well nevermind then. Haha. Pita rolled around on the floor next to me and got some attention. When Poppy came in, she was ready to play. She did the kitty butt wiggle, chased, pounced and swatted at the feather toy. She was having a blast. I didn't get to see Simon today, so maybe tomorrow!
Saturday, December 27, 2014
This morning Shadow came wandering down the hall when he heard me come in. He kept me company in the kitchen, brushing up against my legs and talking to me, while I got his breakfast for him. He has been eating very well for me. Shadow went to work on his fresh plate of food while I went to scoop his box. He wasn't much in the mood for playing at first, and only wanted snuggles. He curled up on my lap, later on my shoulder. Then, he would snuggle his head next to mine and purr away. Later, he climbed on his kitty tower and we had some fun. He kept trying to get my hands when I'd scratch at his post. He got a burst of energy this morning and went zooming around the house and up to the top of the other kitty tower! Haha.
This morning when I came to visit Poky, it was snowing outside. I said hi to him when he ran up to me, then we got him all bundled up in his cute little jacket. Poky went out and wandered around for awhile. He didn't stay out quite as long as the past few days, but longer than I expected! When he came in, we played with his toy for a bit. Then, we worked on breakfast. At lunch time, the snowflakes were getting bigger. I got Poky in his jacket and he went out to do his business. There was a good amount of snow on the ground this time. So, Poky didn't stay out very long. He came in and was just shivering! Poor little man. I brushed the snow off his legs, then we went to snuggle up in his chair for awhile. He even took a little nap! This afternoon, Poky was napping on the back of his chair in the family room. He hopped down and waited by the door for me to put his little coat on. Then, he went outside for a bit. He wandered around a little out there, but soon was at the door with his legs all covered in snow. After he came in, we chased around the house with his raccoon toy. Then, he snuggled up in my lap for awhile. He will be happy to have his family home soon!
Gracie, Molly, Emma & the kitties
This morning it was snowing outside! I let Molly and Emma out for awhile and had Gracie come hang out with me. I got breakfast ready, then got her snack ready for later. Gracie went out when the girls were done. She sure didn't want to stay out long! Brrr! She came in and I fed them. Molly nibbled a little and lost interest. Today was the first day I found a sock in the water dish. Haha! Goofy cat. This afternoon, Molly and Emma had a blast outside. It was still snowing out and starting to stick to the ground now too. I worked on picking up a bit, since someone decided to bring out a bunch of socks from somewhere. Haha. I checked the bedrooms to make sure they didnt get into anything they weren't supposed to and found the kitties were all hanging out in there. Gracie went out for a quick potty break, then stood at the door. "Let me in! It's cold out here!" I guess she's not a fan. :) This evening, all three ladies were at the door to see me! I let Gracie out first for a little bit, then the other two. They came inside and then had their dinners. Molly and Emma went back out for awhile. Gracie was busy being silly and playing with a little toy she found. She went out later before bed one last time. Henry was in the kitty room when I went to check on their things. Smudge came out to visit tonight too.
Ranger & Cleo
This morning it was snowing outside! I found the pups all snuggled in the hay in their house, nice and cozy. The goats were sleeping on their side as well. Ranger and Cleo were happy to see me and started bouncing around. I got them their breakfast, and Ranger went to work. Cleo was more worried about getting some attention! She kept sitting right up next to me, crying for some pets. Haha. She sure is a cutie! They each got a cookie before I left. As I went out to check everyone's water buckets, they came out and romped around in the snow. As I pulled away from the house, both Ranger and Cleo tried to race me along the fence!
Bella & Chico
This morning it was snowing outside! I let the pups out and they were pretty quick to do their business. It was chilly out there. They came back in and wanted some attention. After they settled down a bit, they took turns snacking from the big bowl of food. They had some fun playing and chasing each other around inside. When it was time for bed, they each got a couple snacks to work on. This afternoon, the snow had been starting to stick to the grass. The pups had some fun running around outside for a bit. When they came in, Bella was all excited and full of energy! They both wanted some pets, and poor Chico kept getting pushed out of the way by his big sis. They were in and out for a little while, then they worked on some lunch for me. They lined up in their beds when it was time for their peanut butter snacks. They will be happy to see mom and dad later!
Carson, Cate, Bubba & Bella
This morning the pups were just waking up when I got in. Cate was wiggling in her crate, all excited. Little goofball! I let her and Carson out for their potty breaks and got them some clean bedding. It was snowing outside this morning, so they did their thing and were ready to come in pretty quick. Bubba came out on his own this morning and went out for his turn. Meanwhile, I got Bella some fresh food and water and took care of her box. We had lots of cold, snowy weather coming for today, so I decided she could stay inside where it's nice and warm. This evening I let Cate out when I arrived. She came over and kept trying to nibble on my hand playfully, while I was trying to open Carson's door! Haha. She makes me laugh. I rounded them up and had them go outside for their potty break. Bubba went next, while the others started on their dinner. He came in and then miss Bella got her food and water. She missed being outside today and was telling me all about it! After everyone ate, they went out for their last round of potty breaks before bedtime.