This morning Noell was standing by the hall waiting for me. She brushed up against my legs as we walked to her room. She was a crazy lady this morning, zooming all over the house! Sadi was awake, so I borrowed her to give her meds. Noell raced me to the kitchen when it was time to get their food. Then, she barreled past me when I went to take it to their spot. Haha! I didn't even have to try and help Sadi find her food this morning. She did it all on her own and ate very well. Noell visited with me for a few minutes while we waited. Then, she wandered off. Sadi enjoyed her chin rubs when she finished eating. When I stepped out of the bathroom, I saw Noell sprawled out on the floor, playing with her fish toy. She saw me, then raced to the living room. She was ready for her turn to play! This evening, Noell was ready to eat. She followed me everywhere and gobbled down her food right away. I tried to get Sadi to eat, but she wasn't too interested. I kept trying. She would dip her face down into the bowl to sniff, then would walk away. I tried for awhile, with no success. Hopefully once mom is home she'll eat her dinner.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Sophie & Roxy
Today it rained for most of the morning. After that, the rain stopped and the sun peeked out of the clouds for a little while. The girls were standing at the gate when I pulled up. I walked over and said hi to them quick, then went on inside. They were muddy pups today! I started to dry off paws, but since it was finally so nice out, we decided to hang out in back today instead. The girls sat by me for some pets. After that, they lounged on the patio and did some sunbathing. I got them their food and Sophie worked on hers a little in between coming to sit by me.
This afternoon the rain had stopped in time for me to come see little man. He was very excited to go for his walk! After I got him ready, he led the way. We walked around a bit and he stopped to do his business. After that, we had fun wandering around. Winston kept wandering into the tall grass to explore. At one point, he sat down in there as if to hide and be sneaky. Then, he jumped out and ran around for a second. Haha! Winston took us all over today while he sniffed around and checked things out. When we got back, we had some time to play with his toy.
This afternoon Oscar met me in the hall. He saw me coming, then turned and led me to the door. We said hi, then made our way out back. The grass was all wet, but the rain had let up in plenty of time for our visit. Oscar wandered out and plopped down in the grass right away. He lounged for awhile, then got up to go explore. He was off in the bushes, sniffing around and checking things out in the corner of the yard. After that, it was time to lounge some more. This time, he relaxed on the patio until it was time to head in. He saw me with his towel today, and decided he didn't want to come in. Haha! I had to trick him a little bit, then he did.