Today I opened the door to come in and almost knocked Navi right over. I wasn't expecting her to be that close to the door! Haha. The girls circled me in the kitchen to say hi. Noell got her drops, then it was time to get their breakfast. Noell wanted pets when she came out after nibbling on some food. Navi went right to her spot behind my head. Noell walked around me for her pets, then hid under my legs for a little bit. She laid nearby and swatted at the mouse toy, while Navi was busy grooming. Navi got her play time in too, doing her acro-kitty leaps in the air. She attacked her cardboard scratching post quite a bit today too. I had to do some clean-up! Haha.
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Sophie & Roxy
Today I pulled up and went to grab the mail. The girls heard me and went to the gate to see who was here. They must have been napping, because they both did big stretches while they waited. The girls met me at the door and came in. I got them some food and we went to our spot. They were happy to see me as usual. Sophie rolled around in my lap and Roxy sat next to me, pawing at me for her pets. They were both pawing at me from either side today! Haha. The girls went to eat after a little while. Roxy curled up in her chair and took a nap. Sophie would sit by me, then would go snack, then maybe lay on the floor for a bit. She eventually came back by me and stayed for her belly rubs. I sent them back out when it was time, each with their snacks. It was a beautiful day out there!
Oreo & Stuffs
Today I came in and started getting dinner ready for the kitties. I called for Oreo since he hadn't come to see me yet. He must have been napping or something. Eventually, he came strolling in to say hi. He got his pill, then snacked on his food. Oreo sat in the edge of the kitchen area to wait for me to finish with their other things. I checked for Stuffy, but he wasn't in the bedroom today. I filled Oreo's toy and we went to our spot. He wanted some pets before he got started on his snacks today. Later on, I started heading upstairs to go see Stuffy. He was just hanging out at the top today. Haha. I sat by him and gave him some attention time too. He purred away as he got his chin rubs.