Wednesday, July 1, 2015


This afternoon little Winston was ready to go for his walk. I got him harnessed up and we went on our way. He stopped to smell the bushes quick, then wandered off to do his business. After that, we did plenty of exploring so he could check everything out. He had a fun little romp through the tall grass too. Haha. Soon it was time to head inside and cool off. Winston grabbed his blue toy to play with for a bit. I tossed it for him several times. One time, he didn't come back! I heard him behind the couch so I called for him and asked what he was doing. He came around the corner with a rawhide in his mouth. He pranced by me, then returned to his safe spot behind the couch. I guess he really didn't want to share! Haha. Once he was done with his snack, I tucked him back in his room.


This afternoon Oscar poked his little nose out at me as I opened the door. He did his happy little dance all the way to the back while I said hi and gave him his heiny scratches. We went out back and he found a place to relax right away. Soon we heard a loud crack! The neighbors were lighting off some fireworks. Oscar didn't seem to mind. In fact, he wandered to the side of the house to lay down and get a better view! Haha. After awhile, he got warm and told me it was time to go in. When we got inside, he grabbed his lobster toy and we played a bit. He was a tired boy today! Soon he plopped down on the wood floor and laid on his side. He was pooped, but he hopped right up when it was time for treats!