I saw there were deer tracks all down your driveway and in the yard today! Boo was very talkative the whole time I was there this afternoon! Fluffy was snuggled up on her blankie on the couch. Boo and Quartz both got their treats, then I went to go turn the faucet on and saw Chocolate sitting on the bed. I walked slowly up next to the bed, and she didn't leave. I took your advice about petting/massaging her a little rough and... she loved it! I pet her for such a long time and she kept coming back for more! She was rubbing up against me and purring the whole time. I eventually had to stop since the boys were patiently waiting at the sink and I had to let the girls in! Boo was making himself comfortable on my lap. I was petting Heiny and Suzzie at one point and knew he wasn't sitting on my lap anymore. I sat up and felt a little paw touch my cheek! He was sitting on the table... naughty. I put him back down on my lap. He was so talkative and craving the attention today.
She kept sticking her rear in the air and rubbing her head on the pillows while I pet her! So funny!