This morning sweet Chelsea girl was dancing in the window, waiting for me to come in. She pranced ahead of me to the pantry door and nosed at her treats on the shelf while I got her breakfast. She quickly ate, then came and put her head on my lap. I gave her a big hug, then we headed into the kitchen to get her leash. It was a little bit on the chilly side this morning, but we still got our long walk in. Her Sheltie friends were outside barking hello as we passed by. After we got home, I went out back to get rid of her poo bag. Chelsea wandered out with me and started being goofy. She bounced and raced around, then would stop to see my reaction before doing it again! Unfortunately, I think she twinged something the last time. She was a bit gimpy after. Inside, I rubbed her leg and shoulder for awhile, in attempt to make her feel better. I felt bad, so I gave her an extra treat before I left. This evening, I could tell she was better, but still a little sore. I got her dinner for her, which she finished quickly. I wasn't going to walk her tonight, so as not to aggravate her leg more. Luckily, she knew we couldn't go and didn't cry to like usual. She just went and laid in the living room. I felt so bad, I know how much she loves her walks! Instead, she got lots of belly, ear and back rubs! She gave me hugs in return. She's such a sweetie pie! Hopefully she will be better enough in the morning to get our walk in.