This morning I got the pups up and outside to do their business. When they came in, it was time for breakfast. Rusty got his medicine, then Salem got hers. I fed the kitties and turtles next. Sheba was following me around, so I took a little time to play laser light with her. Rusty and I headed out back for some fetch too. It was pretty comfortable out this morning and wasn't supposed to get as hot today, so I left the mister off. I changed out the electrolyte bucket and fished the leaves out of their main water tank. I made sure Ruby finished her business, then put her back in her bed with a snack. This afternoon Ruby, Rusty and I went out back while they did their business. I went in to turn off the turtle turtle light and check on the kitties. Sheba was zooming around the house, wanting her attention time. We played for a bit, then I went back out by the pups. They were lounging in the grass. I turned on the mister since the humidity was up and it was feeling pretty hot out by now. They all came to lay down and cool off. This evening I came in and the pups greeted me. Ruby came racing around the corner to remind me that it was dinner time! I fed the pups quick. While they were working on dinner, I gave Salem her meds and fed her her dinner. When the pups finished, we went out back to feed the big kids. Rusty found his ball and we got a good game of fetch in. When I went back in, Ruby joined me and asked for seconds. Haha! Sheba got some zoom time in before it was time to tuck Ruby in bed.