This morning I let everyone go out potty quick before breakfast. Goliath was taking too long to eat his food and the other two wanted out! So, I let Elliot and Daisy go play outside while Goliath ate. He was holding out for the yummy stuff, so I gave him a little gravy on his food. Shhhh! Don't tell the other two! I went to sit outside with Daisy and Elliot. They hopped up and gave me lots of morning kisses! Little Golly was peeking out the window when he was done, ready to come outside too. It's going to be in the 70's today, so the kiddos get to stay out and enjoy the gorgeous weather! I let the pups stay out a little longer tonight since the next few days are supposed to be quite a bit colder. It was such a nice day! They heard me pull in and started barking. All were waiting at the back door, tails a-wagging! I fed them their dinner, which was gone pretty quickly with the delicious chicken gravy mixed in! They sure must have had fun today. Each gave me their kisses hello, then they smelled all the other puppy and kitty scents on me. Not too long after, all were snoozing away! Goliath was even snoring! Daisy and Elliot were curled up back to back and head to tail. I quietly got up to turn the light on and take a picture, but Daisy got up to follow me. She then curled up in the other chair beside Golly. So cute!
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