This morning everybody was at the door to see me. They all scrambled excitedly to the back door. Everyone quickly went onto the grass as far as need be to do their business, then were right back at the door. Time to eat! All the pups ate well again for me this morning. After that, we headed back outside for them to play. It was nice and warm out this morning, so everyone was off exploring and checking things out. This evening it was still nice and warm outside. I let the little ones out of their beds, then they led the way to the door. They were all quite excited for dinner tonight. Blackie was galloping around happily again. He got a little too excited and almost wiped out! I let the kiddos back outside one by one, as they each finished their food. Hudson was off at the far end of the yard as usual, patrolling. Gabbie and Blackie were sniffing around, but hung out near to the patio. Miss Zel disappeared into the dark somewhere, so she must have been on a good scent trail. Soon, it was time to head in for bedtime.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Roxy & Sophie
This morning the girls were both laying on the patio by the front gate. They saw me pull up and both started bouncing up and down at the gate, ready to see me. The girls were waiting at the back door by the time I got there. They came in and we sat on the couch, then they monkey piled on me to say hi. Haha! They crack me up. Roxy was keeping an eye out on the walls and ceiling today for any mysterious red dots. She ventured off to go relax on the bed for awhile. Sophie sat with me, enjoying her pets as usual. Roxy returned and was climbing all over Sophie trying to get my attention too. Silly girl! She kept pawing at me for more pets. When it was time, I got the girls each a cookie as they went back out to enjoy this beautiful day!
Daisy & Sophie
Today Sophie was on her way to come greet me again today when I got inside. She followed me to the kitchen. Then, she hopped up on the counter and picked out what flavor of food was going to be hers. Haha! Daisy worked on her dinner while I scooped boxes and fed the fish. After that, Sophie was just lounging on the floor in the kitchen, waiting for me to come play. I got her feather toy down and she had a blast wrestling around with that. She even tried to carry it off once! Haha.