Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Dakota & Benny

Ginger, Scout, Tiger & Scotch

I heard welcome barks as I opened my car door this evening. As I turned the corner, all three met me at the gait with wagging tails! I opened up the gate, but then all three disappeared back into the kitchen! Ginger kept making trips back and forth, as if she was trying to get Tiger and Scout to come outside with her! I went back in with Ginger and finally Tiger decided to go outside. Then Ginger and I went back in to get Scout, who finally followed us outside! I think all three were not too excited about the cool air! We did not stay long outside; Scout was the last one out and the first one to head back inside! Tiger and Ginger ran around a little bit, but then both waited patiently to get in! As usual, Tiger ran right to the treat cupboard and the other two followed! Tonight, the three of them were a little picky; we tried three different treats and finally the chewy bacon treat won! I went out and greeted Scotch, who was laying in his bed. A fresh bowl of water and some scratches made Scotch very happy! Back inside, it didn't take too long for the three of them to get cozy in their beds. Goodnight gang! See you tomorrow morning!